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Bringing hearts together in the Spirit of Christ: Sharing God's love and justice in our neighbourhoods and beyond.

Our Vision and Purpose

We believe that God’s dream for our wider community is that we be: 

Diverse neighbourhoods, living with joy in nature, working together, united in caring and respect for all persons. 

Our part as a congregation in God’s dream for our communities is:

Bringing hearts together in the Spirit of Christ, sharing God’s love and justice in our neighbourhoods and beyond.

We therefore understand our purpose not only to be that of inviting people into our congregational life, but also to be living the Christ-life within our homes, families, work environments, friendship circles, and neighbourhoods.


Welcome to Our Church!

Based in the hospitality of Jesus Christ, we practice an open door/table policy, where all are welcome to worship and explore Christian faith with us regardless of age, race or colour, family status, physical or mental dis/ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, class, income level, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, marital status, or religious point of view.

Pitt Meadows United Church Sanctuary 12109 Harris Rd, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B6
Say Hello

604-465-6233 (Office)

X (Twitter): @PMUC_BC

We acknowledge with humility that we work, play, and worship on the traditional unceded and unrelinquished territory of the Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations

© Copyright 2023 Pitt Meadows United Church All Rights Reserved.